Monday 13 April 2015

Sculpt Your Back

Complete this sentence - I don’t wear sleeveless and tank tops because…

If this sentence ends in anything close to ‘My back resembles the face of a shar pei’ then this article is for you!

With back fat like a shar pei’s, there is a lot at stake. Even though we use our back muscles for almost everything we do day in and day out, we manage to ignore them. Nothing ruins a great dress or a good fitting t-shirt than bulging fat on the back. Stronger back muscles also mean that you are less prone to sprains and lower back problems.

There are a lot of exercises that you can do either with or without equipment.

Back extension : One good exercise that you can do with a stability ball at the gym (or if you have one at home) is the back extension. A very effective tool in any workout. Be sure to pick a ball that suits your body and get that ball rolling (so to speak). 
Pull Ups : One of the most effective and strenuous exercises for your upper back. It is challenging indeed but go slow and push yourself a little each day to achieve the results. 
Dumbbell Pullovers : A common exercise as seen in the gym, but did you know this could also help your upper back not just your arms? 

Superman or Superwoman : Or call it the I-Y-T’s - this move will kill your arms, shoulders and abs. Hold it for a complete minute and feel the burn! If you lie on your stomach with your arms stretched straight over your head this is called the I position. If you lift your arms at a 45 degree angle this is called the Y position. Lastly, move your arms to your sides for a T position. 
Side planks :Great to reduce muffin tops/love handles, arms and upper back. 

Planks with arm raise: In addition to side planks, you can also do normal planks with a lateral arm raise.

Jumping rope: Remember as a child you enjoyed to jump the rope? Relive those fun moments and actually work your upper back muscles. This exercise also helps to burn the overall body fat. Compete with yourself and do as many as you can.

Row your boat : If you have seen the arm and back muscles of rowers, we needn’t explain how great this particular exercise is. And come on, you have to admit that it is fun to row whether on water or at the gym.

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